Sunday, May 15, 2011

AdventSeed's WinterWonderland

Way up high between the mountain ranges lies a valley, this is the setting of AdventSeed's XXXmas bundle. I had the privilege of attending the Grand Opening party of the room bundle as well as having an interview with him the following day. Here it is. 

CocotierLaLa: Hello Advent how are you doing today?
AdventSeed:  Very fine.
AdventSeed: Because I'm interviewed
AdventSeed: lol
CocotierLaLa: Lol.
CocotierLaLa: Thank you for that. And thanks for allowing me to interview you.
AdventSeed: :)
CocotierLaLa: My blog mostly focuses on fashion but when I get the chance to interview a legend such as yourself I cant pass up the opportunity.
AdventSeed: ty
CocotierLaLa: and interviewing on an ice rink is definitely a change of pace. LOL. You have so many classic items not only clothing but furniture and rooms as well. and I can tell from your catalogue that you've been devving for a while. How do you manage to stay so relevant?
AdventSeed: How do you manage to stay so relevant??
CocotierLaLa: why is it you think people buy your products?
AdventSeed: Hmm
AdventSeed: My product is creavtive, having high quality but inexpensive.
CocotierLaLa: I agree :-D
AdventSeed: I have many friends, partners and fans here.They have been supporting me.
AdventSeed: ty
CocotierLaLa: Where do you get the ideas for your products?
AdventSeed: They also suggest me some wonderful ideas which inspire my mind.
AdventSeed: Haha.
AdventSeed: At leisure time, I love watching movies which is the one source of ideas.
CocotierLaLa: :-D
CocotierLaLa: What sorts of movies?
AdventSeed: As I said, friends, partners and fans always give me good idea.
AdventSeed: This is a source of idea.
AdventSeed: Besides..
CocotierLaLa: Can you tell us a little about yourself? Like how long have you been on imvu and how did you get started
AdventSeed: I always browse pics and videos on line.
AdventSeed: I began my life in IMVU on Dec. 2007 and was approved as a pro developer 4 months later.
CocotierLaLa: That's impressive.
AdventSeed: I am not a green hand on 3D.I learned 3D MAX from University, and then engaged in jobs related to 3D manufacture. One day, IMVU came into my life and attracted my mind. Since then, my second undertakings just have begun with IMVU.:)
CocotierLaLa: Having a background in graphics must have really helped you become so great. So tell me abit about the XXX bundle
AdventSeed: Do u mean XXX'mas bundle?
CocotierLaLa: Yes.
CocotierLaLa: :-D
AdventSeed: XXX'mas bundle is a funny christmas bundle.
AdventSeed: Charming snowfield cottage at a snowing Christmas Eve. The whole family can comfortably spend a great vacation enjoying the area attractions: colorful firework, romantic sparkling moon and stars, warm bubble bath, gorgeous Christmas tree stacked with gifts.
AdventSeed: My attention for this bundle is paid to have a reunion here with family
CocotierLaLa: Where did the name AdventSeed come from?
AdventSeed: to have fun together with members of family and friends.
AdventSeed: AdventSeed=advent+seed
AdventSeed: advent=advent of creation
AdventSeed: seed= seed of derivable
AdventSeed: Advent of Mesh Creation, Seed for Easier Derivation
CocotierLaLa: Ahhh
CocotierLaLa: Thank you :)
CocotierLaLa: So what can we expect next from your products?
AdventSeed: I'm making a bundle themed of Prince of Persia, a new vampire bundle and Valetine's bundle
AdventSeed: BTW, my Spy girl AP bundle will be published on 10th Dec. 2010 in bundle vault
AdventSeed: After this, my another winter bundle will be published in Jan. 2011
AdventSeed: besides, my Egyptian bundle named The Rise of Scorpion King AP bundle will be published in 18th. Feb. 2011
AdventSeed: all of them are promo bundle
AdventSeed: if there's no accident, my Valetine's bundle will be published in Feb. 2011 too
AdventSeed: that's all
CocotierLaLa: wow! so much in store for you! I can't wait to see all of these bundles. want to thank you so much for all the info. and for meeting here with me today
CocotierLaLa: I'm excited about the prince of persia bundle ^^
AdventSeed: my honor
AdventSeed: hehe
CocotierLaLa: is there anything else that youd like to tell us?
AdventSeed: I bet that the room of persia bundle is awwww!!!
AdventSeed: I love it so much
CocotierLaLa: well thank you again for your time. it's been such a joy being here with you today :D

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Star is Born!

Hey! No eyerolling please. These catchy titles are becoming evermore difficult to come up with thank you VERY much. Hmpf!
This interview is bloody well over due so here it is my interview with STARPURPLE!

CocotierLaLa: Hello star thanks for having me today :D
STARPURPLE: I wanted to say
STARPURPLE: Thank you very much for taking the time to do this interview with me I feel very honored to be chosen and am very excited.
STARPURPLE: I have been eyeing your blog and the people you have interviewed and admire all of their work and just feel lucky I was picked.

CocotierLaLa: :D the honour is all mine. and thank you for that... I must say that this is by far...the most purple room that I've ever been in
STARPURPLE: I am glad you are here hehe.
CocotierLaLa: so ... what's your favorite colour?
CocotierLaLa: :D
STARPURPLE: silly purple
STARPURPLE: deep dark purples
CocotierLaLa: Lol and I suppose that’s where your name came from?
STARPURPLE: like what I am wearing this is my favorite shade of purple

CocotierLaLa: so tell us a litte about yourself and your career on imvu
STARPURPLE: Okay well in rl I am very shy
STARPURPLE: I am married 13 years to my wonderful husband jason and have 2 cute lil dogs.
STARPURPLE: I started developing for imvu around 3 and 1/2 years back
STARPURPLE: and started with just stickers until I learned how to do the rest.
STARPURPLE: I am a part of many developer groups Black Phoenix Designs, Lollipop Cult []to name a few that I am glad to be apart of and proud of.

CocotierLaLa: You've been here a while. what are some of the major changes that have happened in the IMVU developing world since you've started?
STARPURPLE: I have my fb fanpage and here is link if anyone would like to join.
CocotierLaLa: So you seem to have a specific color palette for your clothing. Is there any chance that your customers can expect some different patterns or textures perhaps?
STARPURPLE: I recently made 8 new hair textures and have made them in a few different hair styles.

CocotierLaLa: What are some of your bestsellers?
STARPURPLE: My 3 tone brown hairs, My skins and clothes. And even some things I made years ago that were not the best quality still sell from time to time. I keep everything in my catalog even if they were things I goofed up on to show that I have improved and am willing and always trying to improve.
CocotierLaLa: If you had to choose 3 words to describe the STARPURPLE brand. What would they be?
STARPURPLE: Flare, creativity, and a potential to get better and become a huge success is what I would hope people would think of when they think of me.
STARPURPLE: Hope I say hehe

CocotierLaLa: :D
CocotierLaLa: What do you think your demographic is? Who are the people who buy your products
STARPURPLE: That is a hard question to anwser because. I feel and hope my work can appeal to everyone all ages and groups. Females mostly because I have very few male items in my catalog and the male items I do have were mainly made for my husband’s old avatar, or request from friends to make hairs in my colors. I mainly use lots of dark deep & bright colors I have allot of hairs that have sold very well. And skins and clothes is what I focus on now it’s my new passion.
CocotierLaLa: Great answer.
STARPURPLE: Thankie.CocotierLaLa: Is there anything else that you’d like for the readers to know?
STARPURPLE: After a long break away from chatting, I am finally coming back into the world of IMVU with a wider heart and a feeling of just wanting to give back what I would want in return sincere kindness and love from people. And now that my heart is open I have made many new wonderful friends.

CocotierLaLa: Great
CocotierLaLa: What are some products that we can expect in the future from star purple
STARPURPLE: More prettyful clothes, lots of pvc, leather skins more hairs and maybe 1 day I will try meshing and see what I can come up with.

GlamourPuppet Would Like to thank

For all of the effort, love, support, and dedication that she has given to this blog over the past few months. As the mother pimpstress of GP Blog she is constantly thinking of new ideas and ways to promote this Blog and I would like to take the time out to say thank you. Be sure to check out her Catalog as well as her brand-new webpage for the ShavedPeach House of Design

Back From Hi-Atus

GlamourPuppet is returning in a major way.

  • More developers
  • Style tips
  • Contests
  • Give Aways
  • Gossip
  • Journalism
Stay Tuned for more details :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

"I can't pick just one! I gotta have them all!"

After the show I had a chance to sit down with Shelz&bellz and Rose :)
 I asked them a few questions about the show in order to gain a better grasp of the concept of virtual fashion shows.

     Up first was Bellz :D

CocotierLaLa: Hello Bella!
BellaBotzz: Heeewo Coco :P
CocotierLaLa: XD
CocotierLaLa: So tell me, how did you get involved in this production
BellaBotzz: Haha ohgosh hmm ..
BellaBotzz: Well ... I came to Model Zone a few months ago, worked my way up .. busted my toosh to become one of the managers, and the devotion Shelz & I both have for Baraq and her products .. we both decided to run it together xD
BellaBotzz: Lol
CocotierLaLa: wonderful :D
BellaBotzz: :D
CocotierLaLa: So why did you both choose Baraq to pay tribute to?
BellaBotzz: Well, we both love & adore Baraq. I have her catalog bookmarked onto the top of my favorites lol. But we just got into talking and decided we should start having small shows for developers. And Baraq was the first on our list. We didn't do the show for attention or anything on those terms, we did this show for Baraq because we just love her.
CocotierLaLa: What is it about her products that sets her apart from other developers in your opinion?
BellaBotzz: Its the originality. You can look through the catalog and see plenty of developers that all have similar stuff. Nobody can pull off what Baraq creates, not a chance. You can't label her products as just one category. And because she was the first developer I bought from when I joined, and haven't stopped.
CocotierLaLa: :D thats great to hear about your loyalty to Baraq and what she does.
BellaBotzz: Lol she keeps me broke until Shelz pays me again lol
CocotierLaLa: If you had to choose one Baraq item and it was all you'd be able to wear. What item would it be?
BellaBotzz: Hahaaa omg
CocotierLaLa: :D
BellaBotzz: Umm..
CocotierLaLa: LOL!
BellaBotzz: Thats a hard question /: Lol
CocotierLaLa: lol
CocotierLaLa: Ok…. let me rephrase it and see if that helps.
CocotierLaLa: Whats your favorite Baraq item?
BellaBotzz: Okay .. If the Will collection did not exist yet, and Baraq never came out with the Voyage. I would pick the Graffiti Dress II. The color is fantastic, you can mix & match the jewelry on it and shoes. Anything goes with that outfit.
BellaBotzz: Lol
CocotierLaLa: Lol
CocotierLaLa: Ok and tell me about some of the difficulties Shelz and you went through putting this show together?
BellaBotzz: Oh goodness lol
BellaBotzz: Everything at first was pretty difficult, the openings, walks etc. In the beginning it was very different with having a few of the models having to adjust to the routine. But after day two of practice, everything came together great.
CocotierLaLa: wonderful
BellaBotzz: :D
CocotierLaLa: I want to thank you so much for your time and giving me this interview
CocotierLaLa: I wish you luck with all of your future productions!
BellaBotzz: Thank you thank you <3
BellaBotzz: :D
BellaBotzz: Yesh 

And then next was DarkRoseAshley

CocotierLaLa: Hello Rose how are you doing today?
DarkRoseAshley: Hello Coco, tyvm im doing great just had a wonderful day
DarkRoseAshley: and you
DarkRoseAshley: ?
CocotierLaLa: I’m fine! Thanks for asking :D
DarkRoseAshley: yvw :)
CocotierLaLa: I want to start off by asking how you got involved with the show? How'd you hear about it?
DarkRoseAshley: Well, wow for some time now, i started off working here since Model Zone first started with shelz and so many other great people,just the same way bells did. And the show, well i heard about it from shelz and bells, our main group, it was everywhere, i went to practice as well as all the other girls and worked hard into this so i could be involved in the show :)
CocotierLaLa: How do you feel the show went over all?
DarkRoseAshley: I felt it went just great :), lots of these models in the show earned their way into it worked hard everyday, since these models as well as many others are very committed to our work. The show in my opinion was just awesome, thanks to all the models and especially shelz and bells who made this possible :)
CocotierLaLa: :D
CocotierLaLa: For you, what is it about baraq that makes her so special?
DarkRoseAshley: Wow, well theres just so much, I have always admired her creativity the quality of her products, just a specatucar dev. She has so many good qualities in herself. After seeing Baraq attend the show, she amazed me she has such a great personality, so sweet, so fun
DarkRoseAshley: All of that and much more make her special and make me admire her even more
DarkRoseAshley: :)
CocotierLaLa: so same as Bellz
CocotierLaLa: whats your favorite baraq item?
DarkRoseAshley: I knew this question was coming, hahaha wow wow wow whats not to like of her products
DarkRoseAshley: hmm
CocotierLaLa: No cheating!
CocotierLaLa: lol
CocotierLaLa: you have to choose one
DarkRoseAshley: i have to agree with bells hahaha, If the will collection was not ever created haha i would have to say her grafitti and pistol collection are my ultimate favorites
DarkRoseAshley: i dont have just one favorite product >.<
DarkRoseAshley: hmmm
DarkRoseAshley: i guess i will have to say this pistol dress
DarkRoseAshley: just love it
DarkRoseAshley: :)
CocotierLaLa: :D
CocotierLaLa: its very beautiful and great details
DarkRoseAshley: the pumped heels with the stockings
DarkRoseAshley: the accecories , love it all
DarkRoseAshley: hehe ^^
CocotierLaLa: Thank you so much for your time Rose it's been a pleasure interviewing you
DarkRoseAshley: thank you for your time and dedication into interviewing me
CocotierLaLa: :)
DarkRoseAshley: very nice to meet you coco and thank you again
DarkRoseAshley: :)

Last but not least was shelz

CocotierLaLa: Hey shelz how's it going?
shelz: hi good thanks
shelz: :D
CocotierLaLa: I'd like to start out by saying thank you for allowing GlamourPuppet to the ONLY media outlet allowed at your fabulous event.
shelz: You’re welcome thanks for covering it:)
CocotierLaLa: My pleasure believe me :D
CocotierLaLa: Earlier you stated that these would be a series of events, so why choose baraq to be the first developer that your agency pays tribute to?
shelz: because
shelz: I chose baraq because she’s my ultimate favorite
shelz: I wanted to give my models a chance to meet her and a chance for baraq to see us modeling her products and for her to enjoy....
shelz: to me baraq is number 1 and always will be
shelz: Most of us here love her products dearly and i had this brainwave to do a show for her!:)
CocotierLaLa: What is it about Baraq's products that YOU love so much?
shelz: Baraqs products inspire me i love the styles the hard work she puts in... she once told me she spends up to 15 hours creating each outfit to me thats dedication her hard work shows thro... her products are all --divalicsious---and they all represent the highest fashion there is... plus she’s not just for one theme... her outfits represent many styles and can be all worn in many ways .. each new product she developers amazes me more and more each time!
CocotierLaLa: Excellent. I can definitely tell that Baraq puts alot of effort into her products her attention to detail is unparalled
CocotierLaLa: So tell me, how did you decide which models to use?
shelz: basically
shelz: myself and manager of model zone bellabotzz
shelz: picked
shelz: the most active models
shelz: and best models we have
shelz: everyone wanted to be in it
shelz: but
shelz: we picked the most truly deserving
shelz: :)
CocotierLaLa: I’m sure my readers are wondering as well as myself how'd you get Baraq to show up? Lol
shelz: she’s a friend of mine
shelz: we talk a fair bit
shelz: I tricked her into thinking she was judging something
shelz: lol
shelz: and then surprise her
shelz: and she was happy to be there
CocotierLaLa: :D
CocotierLaLa: wonderful
CocotierLaLa: I didn’t even know that
shelz: lol
shelz: neither did she
CocotierLaLa: How did this event differ from other ones that you've produced?
shelz: we had a different routine
shelz: and
shelz: we had more models than usual
shelz: and we did a photoshoot
shelz: and we don’t usually do that
shelz: and of course baraq being there made it unique
shelz: lol
CocotierLaLa: :D
CocotierLaLa: yes I got a few snaps of you all myself
shelz: yay
shelz: did u get the group pic
CocotierLaLa: yes I did!
shelz: coolies
CocotierLaLa: so same as everyone else...
CocotierLaLa: What’s your favorite Baraq product?
shelz: my very first product I [bought]
shelz: was
shelz: ENDGAME
CocotierLaLa: ii
shelz: and it got me hooked on baraq its such a classic and without a doubt
shelz: my fave
CocotierLaLa: definitely
CocotierLaLa: Well I know you're a busy woman thanks so much again for allowing me to witness your event and answering some of my questions for my little blog. I appreciate it so very much
shelz: thankyou
shelz: i hope to see when its published
shelz: XD
shelz: baraq also would love to see
CocotierLaLa: :D you'll be the first person i send the link to :D
shelz: ty so much hun
CocotierLaLa: no thank YOU! <3

Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Remember your first time?"

Baraq. One word says so much.
Sleek lines. Exquisite details. Fierce heels. These are just a few things that come to mind when I look over her catalogue. It’slike every  time I put on one of her items, I find a new detail that I hadn’t noticed before. It pains me to imagine how much time and effort it takes for her to make an outfit. Baraq could easily charge three times as much for items and they would sell just as much. …but Enough of the drooling.
Model Zone Inc. gave me an exclusive opportunity to watch their tribute fashion show to Baraq.  When I  first entered the room , the first thing that captured my attention was the opulently silver runway featured at the center of the room. The rotating billboards displaying pictures of Baraq were also featured around the room. It gave me an impression of being in a tent in Bryant Park at Fashion week.
When the legendary Baraq entered  the room she asked where she should sit for the judging. I was confused because I wasn’t aware that shelz and BellaBotzz, collectively known as Shelz&Bellz, had told Baraq that she would be there to judge a competition, not that they would be giving a tribute to her. Needless to say, she was very surprised and delighted   at the amount of effort that these women went through just to pay her tribute.

The show started off strong with perfect syncing by the hosts Shelz&Bellz . They Introduced themselves and the models and told Baraq why they thought she was so special.
The show went very smoothly. All of the models were in sync. The music was fabulous. I could tell that a lot of effort had been put into the show. Overall I'd have to say that the show was very well put and professional. I'm happy that the bar was placed so highly for my first ever fashion show. The rest of you have a lot to live up to if I come to your show.
After the show, Baraq was kind enough to take photos  with shelz&bellz and the rest of the models. She seemed like a very sweet individual.
To learn more about model zone click here

Friday, November 19, 2010

"Chagatai Khan ain't got nothin' on me"

I've been afforded a GREAT scratch that! An AMAZING opportunity...Is there a word better than amazing? *googles*...NOPE... so yeah! AMAZING! I won't tell you all what it is just yet but if you are indeed a true IMVU fashionista then you'll want to read this post in the future. Ok! Ok! You've twisted my arm. I'll give you a clue! but only one! may think you know but you have no idea!